Papyrus Technical Roundup #21: Getting Ready For Papyrus Network

Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2019


The launch time of Papyrus Network is approaching, which means that we are ready to deliver you a bunch of interesting related content, which this blogpost is packed with!

We, at Papyrus Blockchain department, are confident, that if something is not well documented — it might not be existing at all. What is the use of blockchain functionality, if it is unusable due to lack of docs? Thus all public and even private methods in our code contain thorough descriptions and comments. On top of that, you can always check our docs-library, which has been updated with new possibilities of our BIOS contract, such as:




Here you may find API descriptions and code usage examples.

We use our Library as a storage for technical descriptions of the API and for all important information about all the interesting features of our network.

For example, you can find the results of our performance tests with a description of how exactly the indicators have been achieved in our documentation repository:

So we would definitely recommend our Docs library for visiting:

Moreover, we are also planning to release not only Papyrus Network, but also a whole range of other tools, which are essential for such ecosystems as:

*Papyrus Wallet

Papyrus Wallet will provide you with access to all main Papyrus Network functions such as Staking/Unstaking :

Voting, Proposing for the new Authority Node, updating BIOS smart contract for the new version, etc

Papyrus Wallet works with MetaMask extension and gives you a particularly user-friendly interface for all features. Thus, we offer a solution that makes interaction with our network more convenient. You no longer need to write calls to the functions of the bios contract yourself — now you have intuitive access to them through a modern interface. At the same time, we offer these functions as an extension to MetaMask — so you could plug and play with our new functions easily.

Here is another helpful tool:

* Explorer

Our consensus is quite special — based on the clique and extended for the b2b usage it contains a variety of unique things that should be shown and highlighted — who are Authority Nodes now? How are stakes distributed in the system and who has staked the most tokens? Papyrus Explorer will answer these questions and even more.

The link to apply to run a node for Papyrus.Network:

A full topic related blog post will be published a little bit later, but it’s worth mentioning that by the Network release we will release not only main functionality but also a full-fledged infrastructure solution with documentation and all accompanying tools and materials, to make it clear, convenient and accessible from the start.

Stay tuned for more even more updates!



An open source public blockchain network which eliminates key issues of Ethereum, providing highly scalable, reliable and cost-efficient decentralized platform